(Photo credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Northeast Region)
In South Holland, IL, Michele Liberio’s non-verbal students will use iPads to become members of a highly social technological environment as they learn how to communicate in class more efficiently. In Hudson, MA, Elizabeth Joki’s students will collaborate with wildlife biologists to care for, study, release, and track endangered turtles, learning about scientific research methods, turtle ecology and biology, and the complexities of species conservation. In Norfolk, VA, Dr. Angela Eckhoff will guide a teacher learning community of recent graduates as they navigate their first teaching year in a primary grades classroom.
This is a small and very random sample of the innovative work the NEA Foundation is funding with our latest round of grants: awarded to 60 educators in 28 states, for a total of $216,000.
Although projects are as diverse as the educators and the students they impact, the results are the same. Our grants support educator-driven solutions that contribute to improved student performance in public schools across the country.
If you’re an educator, we hope you’ll apply for a grant. Please read on below for questions and answers that may help. If you’re a funder, please visit our donate page to find out how you can contribute to our work.
Search our grantee database map by state, year, grade level, subject, or by key word to learn more about grantees’ projects. Feel free to borrow great ideas.
How can I apply?
Deadlines for applications are Oct 15, Feb. 1, and June 1. Find more details about the NEA Foundation’s Student Achievement Grants support educators’ initiatives to improve academic achievement, or Learning & Leadership Grants support high-quality professional development activities. On these pages, you’ll find: information about the written application instructions; a link to the application; tips; and more. You can also find a video with step-by-step instructions on how to apply.
What other funding opportunities does the NEA Foundation offer NEA members?
Beginning this Fall, the NEA Foundation will match public donations to support NEA members posting requests for classroom materials on DonorsChoose.org. Last year, we supported more than 1,000 NEA members’ requests, reaching close to 95,000 students. Check the NEA Foundation website in September for details about how to post your request and receive matching funds or to help fund other educators’ projects.