As a para-educator working to attain her teaching credentials, Michala Gliem plans to attend the Northwest Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) Conference. By implementing evidence-based practices within a PBIS framework, schools support students’ academic, social, emotional, and behavioral success; engage with families to create locally-meaningful and culturally-relevant outcomes; and use data to make informed decisions that improve the way things work for everyone. Micahala’s goals in attending the conference are to: (1) deepen her learning about PBIS, (2) bring back what she learns to benefit her students, their sense of well-being and ability to learn in a safe and nurturing environment, (3) become a leader in her school around PBIS, cultivating a shared professional practice anchored in PBIS and (4) present on this work at the WEA ESP Conference in June 2023.
Michala Gliem
- Arp Elementary School
- $2,000
- Grant Type: Learning & Leadership Grant
- 2022, Fall
- Grade Level: Grades K-5
- Subject: Education Support Professional