Kaimuki Middle School’s seeks to foster a community of belonging – where all voices, languages, talents and skill sets are valued – by bringing student stories, poetry, and art out beyond the walls of individual classrooms and into the hearts of the campus and community. They will do this by launching an annual publication, Beyond the Horizon, a full-color, bound, multimedia and multilingual book that will bring student work into the hands of a wider, more authentic audience–their peers, families and the public. An important goal of this project is to provide students whose native language is not English with an opportunity to showcase their talent in their native language and to connect more strongly to the greater campus community. Students will serve as authors, artists, editors and translators for this project. After getting the project off the ground, they will fundraise to ensure that it becomes an annual publication.
Matthew Tom
- Kaimuki Middle School
- $3,500
- Grant Type: Envision Equity Grant
- 2022, Fall
- Grade Level: Grades 6-8
- Subject: Science